Saturday, September 12, 2009

So How Come the Big Dogs are Barking??

So How Come the Big Dogs are Barking??

This is hilarious! Big name internet marketers are climbing over themselves to get on board with this one!

Seriously, I got an email earlier, today, telling me I HAD to see it. His words: 'Hi David, You just gotta see this.. It really is "so cool"'

He went on to say how Twitter is going to have to move over, because there's a "big dog on the block."

Well, well... You see, I already knew this and was already in the top 100 because although I have NO WHERE NEAR the resources that he has, Sokule really IS that cool, and I have to chuckle, because I made the top 100 before some of these "big dogs" did!
Big dog

(So who's copying who??)

What's happening is, now you can make money with your Twitter posts!


You need to see this entirely NEW FREE Social Networking thing that posts your squeeks (like tweets) on SOKULE and they instantly appear on Twitter...

It's starting to take off like a California brush fire, and you can get a piece of it, right now, without parting with a thin dime!

It's like Twitter on STEROIDS with Money!

How's that?

This means instead of just posting to Twitter and gaining followers, you EARN CASH on SOKULE when your followers upgrade... and when you see ALL that SOKULE has to offer, upgrading is never a problem!

SOKULE's innovative Affiliate Program means EVERY time anyone you introduced switches from a FREE account to one of several other SWEET paid accounts, you earn fat 30% to 50% commissions.

Now just imagine your thousands of followers - we call 'em "Trackers" - reading your messages - called "squeeks" - and upgrading by the droves. That's some serious cash! Even better, Sokule has set it up so you can easily hook up to all your favorite networks, so that when you squeek on Sokule, it posts on all your other networks, too, including Facebook and Myspace... Is that so cool, or what?

Track right over to...


* You can do most things you can do at Twitter.
* Your squeeks are posted on Sokule and Twitter, and up to 40 social networks, including Facebook and Myspace, INSTANTLY! Your friends and followers will never miss a word you say.
* Paid members are NOT limited to short tweets either, your squeeks can be up to a whopping 500 characters long, enough space to really say something important!
* You can add 5 LIVE clickable LINKS on your postit page! You can't do that at Twitter.
* You can rotate up to 5 different Bios and photos right on on your postit page to test which one works best for you.
* You can even add an extra income stream to your site, by selecting the ClickBank Module when you signup. This will add ClickBank ads that will match the content on your site.
*You can edit your posts. You can track people in your own niche area and communicate, in a nano second, with people who are interested in your particular product or service
* You can get into the big cash contests and win BIG money

Sokule is going to rapidly become a household word, so now is the very best time to grab your own FREE site, start "squeeking" and start earning plenty of the green stuff!

Head on over to

God bless,

Dave Cottrell

PS: Right now, you can become a founding member of Sokule. I got in early, you can too. Only 1500 Sokule founder postions will ever be sold. 500 are being sold during beta launch at a discounted price. 142 of them are spoken for.

These are very special positions:
> > You earn the highest commissions
> > You make a one time payment and never pay again
> > You get every application Sokule offers now and forever
> > You get a permanent listing in the Sokule business directory when it becomes available.
> > You get 48 hours early notice to launch any new applications to their lists

This is one of the best deals we have seen on the net.

Listen to what owner, developer, Jane Mark says about the Sokule founding postions:

If you can swing it today, grab one of these limited memberships. Get in on the ground floor of a history making site.

Be part of history: