The Ignorant Majority - Archaeological Discovery and Land Claims
Guest Post by Kathleen Cottrell
The past is important in shaping the future. Claims for the land of
Canada by a multitude of nations who occupied the land and lived here
for thousands of years before Europeans arrived seeking to plunder
its many resources and subsequently settle this so-called empty land
for the taking are ongoing. The archaeological discovery made near
Sechelt, BC, offers further evidence that Canada was populated by
many nations who were highly civilized long before the arrival of
With respect to the Sechelt nation, a recent discovery
by archaeologists of the burial site of an ancient Shishalh chief of
great importance was reported in the Coast Reporter on August 3,
2012. The 4,000 year old burial site is reported to be one of the
most important archaeological discoveries in British Columbia by Dr.
Terence Clark of the Canadian Museum of Civilization. The work by
archaeologists, Dr. Terence Clark and Gary Coupland, professor at the
University of Toronto, has
been ongoing since 2010. The most significant discovery is that of
an individual buried with over 350,000 hand crafted stone beads, which indicates chiefly status and importance.
Sechelt Indian Band
Chief Gary Feschuk indicates that the Sechelt Indian Band wants the
historic site returned to them. The province of British Columbia has
placed a map reserve on the area, which keeps the area safe from
development for 10 years. Chief Feschuk says that the map reserve is
a temporary fix for now, but what needs to be done is to have the
land returned to them. He also says that the Sechelt Band should
have final say on what happens on their land. The Ministry of
Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation indicates
that while reconciliation agreement negotiations are done,
discussion is continuing on protection of the Salmon Inlet
archaeological site along with other matters. The fact that
the Sechelt even need to ask for control of the land that
their ancestors are buried in is a great reminder of the fact that
with colonialism they lost control of the lands they occupied for
many thousands of years. The Sechelt have occupied
this area for at least four thousand years, as evidenced by
the remains found in the Salmon Inlet Burial Site. This site is part
of the provincial Crown lands that the Sechelt want to add to their
present land and resource base (McKee, 45-46).
This article highlights the impact that colonialism has had on
Indigenous peoples of Canada, specifically the Sechelt, with regards
to the loss of elders to diseases like smallpox.
The untimely death of elders has weakened the richness of
their oral history, because the stories die with the people. The
population of Indigenous people in BC in the 1700s
was estimated to be 250,000 or more, but by 1929 the number
had dropped to 23,000. (Muckle, 64) Without the people to pass down
history, places like the Burial Site at Salmon Inlet, and the
important ancestors buried there, are lost and forgotten. The
efforts by Europeans to assimilate individuals through attendance at
residential schools has brought about the loss of language for many
individuals who are unable to pass down stories and consequently
because of this loss, have lost the sense of belonging and pride of
being part of a proud Indigenous nation.
The Canadian Government issued an apology for the Indian Residential
School System on June 11,
2008. The apology acknowledges the many negative outcomes of the
schools including the damage to Aboriginal culture, heritage and
language. The government acknowledges that one of the goals of
residential schools was to assimilate Aboriginal children into
Canadian culture by removing them from their homes and keeping them
from learning their culture and traditions. Residential schools are
also recognized as having been a major contributor to the many social
problems facing Aboriginal people today (Muckle, 163-164).
In 1986, “Bill C-93,
the Sechelt Indian Band Act, is
enacted by parliament. The act gives the Sechelt 'municipal-style'
powers of self-government” (McKee, 145). The Sechelt also signed
the Sechelt Agreement in Principle (AIP) on April 16, 1999. This was
following five years of negotiations. “It is the first AIP
achieved through the treaty process, and it is the first example of a
future urban treaty in British Columbia. Final negotiations
regarding the AIP are under way and will lead to the conclusion of a
Final Agreement” (101).
The Sechelt Indian Band is
dealing with the Burial Site at Salmon Inlet in a different
way from the Musqueam with the Marpole Midden site. The
Musqueum have no desire for their ancestors to be dug up and studied;
they just want their ancestors put to rest and to be given
the same respect as non-native burial sites or cemeteries (Musqueam
Nation). The Sechelt want the Salmon Inlet site studied to enable
their history to be documented, specifically by the youth involved in
the process, so they have a record of their origins, and to be able
to share that with future generations.
The Indigenous or First Nations youth of Canada, need to learn the
history, culture and traditions of their band or nation. The high
school history textbooks used in British Columbia public schools have
been criticized for their lack of including Indigenous people in
their role as being part of the shaping of Canada, in favour of the
British and French accounts (Furniss, 14). “Native cultures are
often presented as static, as lacking history prior to European
contact” (15).
The nation, or municipality, of Sechelt is striving to revitalize
and at the same time create an identity that the youth can embrace
and be proud of. This discovery at Salmon
Inlet has invited and encouraged the participation of Sechelt
youth. The sense of pride they have in being part of such an
important discovery portraying a past civilization of wealth and
status is shown when the students dubbed a flat rock pointing towards
the place of burial of an elder, “pride rock”. Several students
have expressed an interest in going on to study archaeology.
The article is a news article, whose audience seems to be limited to
the local residents of the Sunshine Coast. That
this news of an incredible archaeological discovery was not picked up
by a provincial or national newspaper is remarkable. It indicates
the lack of interest that our nation as a whole has for hearing of
evidence that the Indigenous peoples of Canada were organized
civilizations before the arrival of Europeans. The evidence
suggests chiefly status structures similar to royalty in other
cultures. The fact that this article did not go further in
publication is an indication of the lack of interest in land claims
in general.
The title of the article, “SIB will fight to protect
4,000-year-old burial site”, was perhaps a poorly chosen one. The
word fight is not a word that conjures up peaceful negotiations.
Nowhere in the article does the Sechelt Indian Band chief Gary
Feschuk use the word fight to indicate the fact that he wants the
land returned and protected. He does indicate that the Sechelt
Indian Band should have final say over the land, just as the premier
of BC has indicated that BC should have final say over what happens
with regard to the proposed pipeline.
The article also fails to mention the British Columbia Heritage
Conservation Act and the Indian Act which protects the prehistoric
past of British Columbia. It is illegal to disturb an archaeological
site not on a reserve without a permit.
It is illegal under the federal Indian Act to remove
pictographs, petroglyphs and carved poles from reserves (Muckle, 17).
It should be noted that the Musqueam Nation has not been able to
have the Marpole Midden site protected by the Heritage Conservation
Act. The developer of the property has been issued a permit to
continue developing the site. The Musqueam people assert that they
have never given up the land (Musqueam Nation).
It will be interesting to see what other discoveries are made at
this site as the archaeologists and the community of Sechelt continue
to work together to document the past.
The fact that the discovery contained more beads than any
other discovery to date from Alaska to California is enough reason to
look forward to future discoveries. The past is important in shaping
the future and this is no less important for the Sechelt people as it
is for all Indigenous people in Canada.
Works Cited
Furniss, Elizabeth. “Pioneers, Progress, and the Myth of the
Frontier: The Landscape of Public History in Rural British
Columbia.” BC Studies:
Native Peoples and Colonialism. Vancouver: University of British
Columbia, 1998. 7-44. Print.
McKee, Christopher. Treaty Talks in British Columbia: Building a
New Relationship. 3rd ed. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2009. Print.
Muckle, Robert J. The First Nationis of British Columbia: an
anthropological survey. 2nd ed. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.
Musqueam Nation. Protect Musqueam's heritage site. Vancouver,
BC: Musqueam Nation, 2012. N. Pag. Print.
Wood, Christine. “SIB will fight to protect 4,000-year-old
burial site.” Coast Reporter [Sechelt, BC] 3 Aug. 2012:
1+. Print.